Fresh from The National Arts Festival, Two of Cape Town’s renowned comedians (Westley Cockrell and Stuart Cairns) have taken a new twist on comedy, where two whimsical characters take you on an explorative journey to becoming standup comedians.
Hilarious, explorative, energetic. Those are just some of the words used (by critics) to describe Cairns’ and Cockrell’s The Plot Hole directed by Rob van Vuuren.
Using a creatively unique story-telling method and creative use of props the characters expose the embarrassing and hysterical scenarios which they’ve had to overcome.
Reviews for “The Plot Hole”
Cape Town Run 2015
Cassy Van Eden for
The Plot Hole is value for money. Where else are you going to get the abdominal workout of your life by doing nothing? Performed by Cape Town comedians Stuart Cairns and Westley Cockrell, The Plot Hole will have you laughing your way to a chiselled six-pack.
For an hour, Cairns and Cockrell take you through the wacky process that goes into creating stand-up comedy. Pursuing a career in comedy is not easy, as you will soon learn, and both guys have had their fair share of embarrassment. Instead of quitting though, the duo have transformed their trials and tribulations into one of the funniest stories you will ever hear.
Light, relatable and gut-busting, The Plot Hole is worth your every penny.
National Arts Festival Run 2015
Simone Ferreira for Cue Magazine
“A highly energetic show. Two whimsical characters take you on an explorative journey to becoming standup comedians. They maintain good humour, despite obstacles in their journey. Their creative use of props and audience interaction guarantee an hour of hearty laughter.”
National Arts Festival Run 2016
Andrew Michael for Cue Magazine
“ Two Cape Town Comedians give an exciting, fresh approach to comedy. With constant breaks of the forth wall and a plethora of home grown jokes, it will have you and your tannie laughing out loud."
Audience Responses
This feels like uber.