Funny, clever, silly, and a little bit naughty. This is a revue style comedy show performed by a hot comic duo. Based on observations of South African life, the different sketches, routines, and parody music numbers range from ridiculous to laugh-out-loud hilarious. Naked Knitting is fresh pure entertainment.
"The pair humour the audience with several short skits comprised of wonderful musical numbers, dancing, and jokes on South African culture. Wholly impressive and entertaining.” – CUE
“Naked Knitting comments on contemporary South African life, there are no sacred cows here and everybody is fair game. What I think got to me the most about this production is that I walked away with a sense of hope, hope that with the talents of Greg, Mark and Daniel, and their fresh new satirical voices, making us look at ourselves and our society and question what isn’t right or good or helpful, and at the risk of being called too serious, this show enables you to do all of this whilst being thoroughly entertained by two incredibly talented artists.” – Chris Avant Smith
Full review:
“This is not a misleading title: expect to see some skin in this fantastic performance by a handsome duo. The pair humour the audience with several short skits comprised of wonderful musical numbers, dancing, and jokes on South African culture. Wholly impressive and entertaining.” – CUE
Audience Responses
Great show! Had me falling off my chair. Amazing to see fresh South African talent.
Absolutely hilarious! I just wish it was longer
Brilliant ... It could make the main stream theatre with more content & & polish .... WELL DONE!!!
The Best Show Ever !!
Great Laugh!!!
Such a great show!
About the best show I have ever seen. I attended 6 performances it was so good.
I wish they would return for an updated version later in 2016.
You have a great little theatre. It would be great if a wider audience could be attracted.
Thanks very much.
I found some of the material was weak, more fitting for a first year student variety concert.
I am sure that the actors have talent, but they would benefit from a critical look at the content of the show.
Absolutely fantastic !!!