Ashasie is a story about three generations of women who live in the heart of the fictional township – Opija, known as the “dusty township”.
The story takes us on the journey of Ashasie, writer and the women in her family – Sesi and Gogo. In pursuit of becoming a writer, we see the developing consciousness of young Ashasie.
The play demonstrates a turbulent path towards self-development and emancipation for Ashasie in a society where things are overshadowed by patriarchy. The notion of entrapment articulates strongly, through the portrait of the different generations of these women. The extent to which emancipation, gender egalitarianism principles and all that women desire remains a constant possibility through Ashasie’s character.
This story explores the journey of voice, memory and coming of age for black women. It is simply a work of vision.
Audience Responses
The cast and storyline was amazing
Phenomenal. I cried. And I don’t JUST cry.
Loved it! Impressive direction: scenes multi-perspective dialogues was something I have never seen before. Looking forward to future shows!
It was brilliant, well placed production. Very relevant and speaking to the issues facing society. I was appreciate a part 2.
Fantastic play. Great script, talented cast with at least two of them taking on more than one role. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
Great show ! Enjoyed it !