Cape Town actor, David Muller brings Bruce Clark’s book “Love Sex Fleas God” to life, with the direction by Celia Musikanth.
Struggling with Scientology and other childhood adversities the audience experiences a rollercoaster ride as Bruce evolves into a fun-loving kind father. Poignant, humourous, this is a must see for dads & moms.
Bruce's grandmother ends up as his and his sister's legal guardian. Because of his mother who made Scientology her calling, he attends over fifteen different schools before finally dropping out and becoming a hobo. Yet, he overcomes this all and becomes a stay-at-home father. This is his story: you'll cry, you'll laugh. It's worth every penny.
Audience Responses
I loved it, my daughter didn't. I thin she needed the experience of parenting to "get it"
Probably the worst play ive seen at you guys - Sorry got to be honest. None of the 4 of us enjoyed it
I really enjoyed it...